Major emotional needs of every guy

A guy with two ladies
It is easy to overlook your man’s emotional needs, because of the misconception that men are not emotional.
You can really take your relationship to a whole new level with your guy, if you understand the following:

1. Respect:  Every guy wants to be respected. So, you will be on his top list if you show him respect, in and outside the bedroom.
2. Sex: One of the ways a man validates his ego, is by having sex. It is a game of dominance and show of manhood to every man. Men need sex to evolve and to cool off stress.
3. Independence: Men do not like to be controlled or told what to do. If you want your opinion to count, just chip it in as a suggestion, and he’ll do it.
4. Admiration: Every man wants to be admired by his woman. It fuels his “man-ego.” It builds their sense of worth.
5. Encouragement: Yeah! Guys need encouragement. They want a cheerleader in their lives. Someone who will cheer them on. Someone who will not knock them down when they make mistakes.
6. Trust: Every guy wants to know he can be trusted to take decisions and handle major stuff on his own. Do not treat him like a child. Let him try and make mistakes, and do not throw tantrums when things go south.

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